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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We've Witnessed His Wonders: Our 90-Day Challenge Total

We like goals.  They give us opportunity to conquer and encouragement to move forward.  In case you haven't followed our journey over the past few months, we've been moving forward and hoping to conquer a goal.  God blessed us through a generous family who pledged $700 in monthly support if we could match them in 90 days.  We gladly accepted that challenge and yesterday was the last day of our window to reach the goal.

I have often reflected on how God influenced the whole Red Sea experience.  If you read the story you will notice that the Israelites were out of Egypt and on their way when God told them to stall.  In those next verses we see that He orchestrated the entire Red Sea miracle.  Why? There are times in life when human wit and skill can get the job done.  We can build it, fix it, move it, make it on our own.  Yet God, in His great love for us, steps in when He knows best and reveals Himself to our human eyes.  He does so by completely overwhelming us in a display of power and authority.  Yes, the Israelites were out, but not impressively, not in a way that would inspire worship.  God wanted them to remember who He was and how He cared for them.  The Metz family has just been ushered through a Red Sea by God.

We had 90 days to raise $700.  When I called Jade on Day One we shared in excitement and then I said, "Wait, that's a lot of money."  I was right.  It was a lot.  Please hear the enormous praise and glorifying cry of my heart to my God when I tell you that He raised our matching amount three times over!!  In review of our reports we found that God rallied His Church to meet our goal only thirty days in, then again at sixty days in and then again, plus more, at the ninety day deadline.

When we add together all that God blessed us with in our fundraising we have found that our support is nearly at 50% of the monthly amount we need!  Only five months into our HMA (Homeland Ministry Assignment) and we are already nearly half done!  

Now hear my heart again:  We understand that God used our sweat and effort to fulfill His goals for His glory.  We understand that it is good for us to celebrate this great victory with Him.  We pray that others will see His strong arm and loving interaction in the lives of those who serve Him.  And we pray fervently that in all things which God has done in and through our family more would come to see Him and know Him and serve Him in their love which is obedient.

This was not a boring walk around the Red Sea as we imagined it would be.  This was a dramatic, God-ordained and blazing-hot expression of love, which drew us into the mists of the high, crashing walls of Red Sea water!  His hands held back those waves and His eyes watched as His beloved people walked on dry land down the middle, gazing up like children at the power of their Father.  We worked hard but we will not point at this as a work of the Metz family.  This was a declaration by God and we ask that this speak into your life, as it has to ours and as it did to Moses who sang "Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?"