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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Story Behind the Gift

Remember the generous woman we spoke about in our recent video? She wrote a beautiful letter below sharing the story behind her gift. We were moved and know it will bless you as well! 

"In the summer of 2013 when I heard the exciting news of Nathan and Jade being called to Uganda I was beyond excited. I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to get to know Jade and Nate over the last few years. I knew from the beginning that I was going to help them by praying for them as well as help them financially along the way. I will be honest here, I was going to give them my hundred dollars and be proud of myself for giving so much money. I am a single mom that until recently didn’t have the best paying job. Well little did I know God had been working out a completely different plan for Nathan, Jade and I. Let me back up a little bit. A few years ago I started working a job that I absolutely love, but the money was not enough to support my daughter and I. We had been struggling but I continued to pray that God had something better for us. God has since then provided me with a second job. For the first time in nearly 5 years I am back on my feet. I am finally not worried about paying bills, buying food or clothes for my daughter. It has taken so much stress off of my shoulders. Finally I can relax.

A few months ago I could feel God tell me that part of the money in my bank account was not mine; more exactly $1,000 no longer belonged to me. I said “Are you sure about that God? I think those pay checks came with my name on them.” God and I had a few conversations about this. I wanted to make sure I heard him correctly. I had only, in the last year or so, really learned what His voice sounded like. Eventually He was able to get His point across to me. However at that point He did not tell me who the money belonged to.

A few weeks ago I was sitting next to Nate and Jade in Sunday school and Nate shared that his last day of work at IWU was going to be that Friday. He was going to be depending on God and the Church to support him and his family. I can’t imagine stepping out in faith like that. Putting my life out there on the line for someone else to pick up the slack. What if the money didn’t come in? What if I got sick? What if I changed my mind? What if the funding didn’t come in for our trip? What if…what if…what if… Right then I was brought to tears. I knew I needed to pray about this. I spent the rest of the week praying. The beginning of the next week I had the opportunity to meet with Nate and Jade to share how God had been speaking to me and leading me to help them. I shared the amount that God had placed on my heart to share with them. I know that this was exactly what God had planned for me. In the past I would have been very upset to have lost or spent $1,000 in one day. I would have been counting down the days to the next pay check. I would have been worried about how to pay the next set of bills. However since this was God's plan, I know He has it under control. I do not need that money. I do not miss that money. I am not worried about replacing that money.

This is not the end of the story. God has not finished this journey for Nate, Jade and I. He is pushing me again to give. I attempted to explain to God that "I have been tithing to my home church regularly just as He asked me to and isn’t that good enough?" His answer is “Doesn’t your church move into Uganda with Nate and Jade? Doesn’t that part of your church deserve your support too?”  Since my church is growing, my support must grow as well. When God is whispering something in your ear, when He is encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone, DO IT!!! His plan is always perfect!!! EVERYTIME! Even when it feels uncomfortable, awkward or difficult it is always perfect!!!"

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